
Proxy Preview is a collaboration between:


As You Sow

As You Sow is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing environmental and social corporate responsibility. Founded in 1992, As You Sow envisions a safe, just, and sustainable world in which environmental health and human rights are central to corporate decision making. Its Energy, Environmental Health, Waste, and Human Rights programs create positive, industry-wide change through corporate dialogue, shareholder advocacy, coalition building, and innovative legal strategies.


Sustainable Investments Institute

The Sustainable Investments Institute (Si2), a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, D.C., conducts impartial research and publishes reports on organized efforts to influence corporate behavior on social and environmental issues. Si2 closely follows shareholder resolutions proposed by investor advocates, but does not making voting recommendations. Instead, it provides the tools and in-depth reports that enable investors to make their own informed, independent decisions on the contentious public policy issues raised during proxy season. Si2 also conducts research into emerging sustainability issues to better help investors and the general public understand the implications they hold for companies and their key stakeholders. Recent reports covered political spending, hydraulic fracturing, integrated reporting, nanotechnologies and sustainable governance issues. Si2 is supported by leading institutional investors, including public and private pension funds, college and university endowments, foundations and fund managers.


Proxy Impact

Proxy Impact is a progressive proxy voting and shareholder engagement service for foundations, faith-based and sustainable, responsible and impact (SRI) investors. We provide affordable proxy voting based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) guidelines. Proxy Impact also offers a full range of shareholder engagement services on ESG issues. This includes research, corporate dialogues and filing shareholder resolutions. Our unique consulting service will identify the links and advocacy opportunities between a client’s stockholdings and their organization’s mission, programs and/or grantees. This allows clients to leverage their shares to support their values and core programs and provides strategic options for how to address key issues through their investments or grant making.